Two Creative Ways To Cut The Cord

Are you tired of paying your very expensive cable or satellite bill? If so, you may be looking for ways to cut the cord and save on your monthly television bill. However, that doesn't mean that you want to completely go without some sort of television service in your home. Here are two creative ways to cut the cord from your cable or satellite provider. Use An Off-Air Antenna With A DVR [Read More]

4 Ways That Faster Internet Service Can Improve Your Gaming Experience

If you are an avid gamer who wants to play on a variety of platforms including smartphones, consoles, and computers, you may notice that your Internet connection at home can hold you back at times. When you know that you will be living in the same house for a long time, you may become interested in changing your Internet plan to get faster speeds.  Knowing all the ways that you can benefit from a speedier Internet connection will give you the confidence to find and choose a new plan. [Read More]

How To Find A Good High-Speed Internet Provider

High-speed internet is quickly becoming a necessity in the modern world. Finding a company that'll do a good job as a high-speed internet provider, though, can be a pain. You need to look at a lot of factors and test the actual speed. If you're trying to find a setup that works well for you, here are a few tips to follow. What Even Counts as "High Speed"? At first blush, the idea of high-speed internet might seem a wishy-washy. [Read More]